For those in the revolving door, the police will be one of the first contacts they have with the criminal justice system. That encounter will determine whether they are drawn into the system, or diverted towards support to break the cycle of crisis and crime.

We focus on key groups of people in the revolving door who experience policing. This includes young adults, women, those experiencing race discrimination and multiple disadvantage. We also work with the police to find and scale up best practice so that people are diverted to the support that will help them change their lives.

“Stop and search is so heavy-handed and it can be embarrassing in front of friends. There needs to be more around de-escalation rather than letting it get heightened and end up in restraint.”

New Generation Campaigner

Latest updates


Policing & diversion resource library

Revolving Doors has a range of toolkits, research reports and policy submissions. These explore the role of the police and Police and Crime Commissioners in breaking the cycle of crisis and crime.

Featured event


Knowledge Exchange Network

This network is co-convened by Revolving Doors and the Police Foundation. It is open to all police forces in England and Wales. Meetings are held online every two months.


New Generation Policing

Revolving Doors has been working with a team of New Generation Campaigners who have lived experience of the criminal justice system. Together we have produced policy briefings, campaign publications and other media to get the message across.

“They hardly understand young people in a crisis situation, and I feel like they are a fear tactic rather than there to help others.”

New Generation Survey


police light

New Generation Policing – forthcoming in 2022

This series of podcasts features the New Generation Campaigners and those that work for the services designed to support them. The series is a stark reminder of the impact of disadvantage and poverty on young people. It shows the impact of the services – including the police – that have been designed to help them.