About us
We focus on the ‘revolving door’ group, those who have repeat contact with the criminal justice system whose behaviours are largely driven by unmet health and social needs. These include combinations of substance misuse, homelessness, mental ill health and domestic abuse often referred to as ‘multiple disadvantage’. We recognise that to fulfil our ambition we need to work to drive systems change in the criminal justice sphere and related sectors.
We advocate for a humane approach that responds to people’s unmet needs and works with them to reach their full potential and to thrive. We advocate for a system that recognises and addresses the drivers of contact with the criminal justice system, namely trauma, poverty and discrimination including racism.

Why we’re here
Our ambition is to break the cycle of crisis and crime. We champion long-term solutions for justice reform. These tackle the root causes of reoffending and support people’s journey towards better lives.
We aim to reset the criminal justice system. We want the system to tackle the real reasons behind reoffending and develop solutions that break the cycle of crisis and crime. We want justice reform that addresses the root causes of reoffending, and diverts people away from crime and towards treatment and support.

Who we work with
We collaborate with people who have lived experience of the justice system. We want to amplify their voices and expertise, informing future practice. We partner with those who work within the system and make decisions about it.

How we’re doing it
Through research, policy and advocacy, we’re pioneering new approaches that are informed by expertise and global best practice. These approaches will challenge the status quo, respond to human needs and bring about changes to systems, behaviour and minds.

Our action areas
We work across a number of key policy areas that influence the revolving door – policing, diversion, sentencing and probation.

Work with us
We collaborate with a wide range of partners – from government departments, to public bodies such as the NHS, and to service providers in the voluntary sector.

Our Values
We are curious and consciously independent, questioning and challenging long-held assumptions.