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Revolving Doors host the LEAD Bureau for an England-wide roadtrip

In September 2020, Revolving Doors Agency announced a strategic partnership with the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) National Support Bureau, to promote a new approach to police-led diversion that serves to break the cycle of crisis and crime. LEAD is a project of the Public Defender Association, and the initiative is in place multiple jurisdictions across the USA, as well as South Africa.

Despite many lockdowns and travel restrictions between September 2020 and today, we are delighted to announce that between 17th March and 31st March 2022, Revolving Doors Agency are hosting LEAD to conduct an England-wide roadshow, meeting with politicians, Police and Crime Commissioners, police forces, voluntary sector organisations, and people with lived experience of the criminal justice system.

Why has Revolving Doors Agency partnered with LEAD?

Revolving Doors Agency has partnered with the LEAD Bureau to complement the New Generation Policing project. New Generation Policing is an initiative that supports police and crime commissioners and police services to develop and implement new interventions to stop young adults from being caught in the cycle of crime and crisis. Our partnerships with local commissioners and police services aims to create more evidenced and deliberate interventions that divert young adults at the cusp of ‘revolving door’ away from the criminal justice system and into a better life. Within this project, we work with a group of New Generation Campaigners – young adults with experience of repeat police contact and multiple disadvantage who are advocating for change.

The aim of this visit will be to sow the seeds for transforming how the UK views ‘diversion’, and to move away from ‘tough on crime’ stances which consistently is proven not to reduce reoffending.

LEAD is proven to achieve:

  • 58% decrease in rates of arrest
  • 87% decrease in prison admissions
  • 89% increase in permanent housing
  • 33% increase in legitimate income.

This trans-Atlantic partnership between Revolving Doors Agency and LEAD follows hot on the heels of the government’s Beating Crime Plan, which committed to increased Section 60 stop and search powers, and targeted policing in ‘hotspots’ of crime, as well as the 10-year Drug Strategy and Prisons Strategy White Paper.

LEAD’s roadshow

LEAD’s roadshow will begin in Blackpool, where they will meet with stakeholders from Project ADDER, and have a roundtable with service providers across Lancashire, including representatives from Changing Futures, Child and Youth Justice Services, Change Grow Live, Lancashire Violence Reduction Network, and Red Rose Recovery. They will also be meeting with police forces from Merseyside and Greater Manchester, and will visit local drug and alcohol services and diversion programmes. The trip will then move to Leicester, where LEAD will meet the Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner, and the Assistant Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands. There will also be visits to treatment centre Dear Albert and voluntary sector organisation Leicestershire Cares, as well as a visit to the police custody violence intervention project.

Finally, LEAD and Revolving Doors Agency will head back to London. In London, LEAD will present their approach alongside our New Generation Campaigners to parliamentarians, as well as take part in a voluntary sector roundtable with organisations working to divert people away from the criminal justice system. They will also meet with the Metropolitan Police operating the ENGAGE/DIVERTprogramme.

What’s next?

We hope that a range of stakeholders, from police forces to parliamentarians, will be inspired by LEAD’s successful, evidence-based approach, and will adapt the approach to the UK context. Ultimately, we hope to move towards systemic change that consistently diverts people away from the criminal justice system and into treatment, recovery, education, meaningful employment, and a fulfilling life.