Revolving Doors Strategic Plan: 2016-2020
Our Strategic Plan for 2016-2020 is built on the direct experience of individuals in the revolving doors group. We developed it with the National Service User Forum of people with lived experience. In it we set out our aims and approach, what we’ve learned and the way forward.
To stop the revolving door of crime and crisis, we need to make it possible to recover from different multiple problems at the same time. We also need to prevent people entering the revolving door in the first place. And we need to provide people leaving this cycle with support so they can rebuild good lives.
Our five aims, underpinned by objectives that we developed with the support of our Patrons and friends, are:
- Integrated policy and commissioning
- Better prevention
- Improved crisis support
- A fair and effective justice system
- Promoting long-term change.