The Revolving Doors Agency Manifesto 2015
This manifesto sets out five priorities for the next government that will improve responses for the most excluded individuals across the country. Evidence shows that a person-centred approach with coordinated, intensive interventions can help. There are thousands of people stuck in a ‘revolving door’, facing multiple and complex needs and caught in a cycle of crisis and crime. The reason for this is that as a society we fail to coordinate the right kind of support.
People can be empowered to tackle their problems, rebuild their lives, and contribute to their communities. There is also positive evidence that this can generate savings through better coordinated support and reduced demand on services. Drawing on the views of people with direct experience through consultation with our National Service User Forum, we set out five priorities:
- A national programme to coordinate better support for people facing multiple and complex needs
- Earlier identification and diversion into support for people facing mental health problems
- Effective community-based rehabilitation and reparation for offenders with multiple and complex needs
- Improved infrastructure and opportunities for service user involvement
- A system that supports long-term recovery, including the journey towards employment.