Police and Crime Commissioner’s Guide to Tackling the Revolving Door of Crisis and Crime

The role of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) is pivotal in shaping the landscape of justice in their communities. As the architects of local policing strategies and the custodians of public trust, PCCs have the unique opportunity to drive meaningful change in the way crime is viewed and addressed.

For PCC’s prioritising the revolving door group should not just a matter of reducing crime statistics; it is about breaking the cycle of reoffending, reducing harm to communities, and fostering long-term rehabilitation and reintegration. By prioritising this group in their police and crime plans, PCCs can create more effective, humane, and sustainable strategies that benefit individuals and society as a whole.

Revolving Doors are delighted to present this booklet is designed to equip PCCs with the knowledge, insights, and practical approaches needed to place the revolving door group at the heart of their crime prevention and community safety agendas. It highlights the importance of early intervention, cross-sector collaboration, and evidence-based practices in crafting a comprehensive response to this complex issue. By focusing on the revolving door group, PCCs can lead the way in building safer communities and a more just society.