London Together: A Manifesto
This manifesto is a call to the next London Mayor and local leaders across London to commit to transforming services for the most excluded Londoners. In a challenging context for the public services, we make a strong case for a more co-ordinated approach for those facing multiple and complex needs. London is a prosperous city that generates significant wealth and opportunity. However, too many Londoners face entrenched social and economic exclusion linked to a range of problems. These include poverty, poor mental health, homelessness, substance misuse, repeat victimisation and offending.
Setting out the latest research and practice across London, we show how the whole capital would gain from a new, more effective approach. We set out six strategic priorities that should inform the development of this new approach for the most excluded. Members of our London Service User Panel with lived experience of the problem have shaped and steered this project throughout. Their insights and contributions have been invaluable in shaping the key priorities and message here. The Panel will play a key role in coproducing our influencing plans and further programme of work.
The challenge of transforming services for the most excluded cuts across service boundaries and will require strong political and strategic leadership. The response should be locally led, with London boroughs and partners across policing, health, criminal justice, housing, and the voluntary sector working together. They should pool resources, integrate services and co-ordinate more effectively.
However, with key decisions around areas such as policing, health, and criminal justice made at a regional level, there is a strong case for a London-wide focus. This would complement local leadership and ensure the right support is available across London.