2017-02 Consultation response to Improving Lives – The Work, Health and Disability Green Paper
Revolving Doors Agency (RDA) is a charity working across England to change systems and improve services for people who face multiple and complex needs, including poor mental health, and come into repeated contact with the police and criminal justice system (CJS). We work with policymakers, commissioners, local decision-makers, and frontline professionals to share evidence, demonstrate effective solutions, and change policy, while involving people with direct experience of the problem in all our work through our national service user forum.
Everyone should have the chance to work and to benefit from the improved financial resilience, self-esteem and new social networks employment can bring. Good quality, appropriate work can also be supportive of health. Many who have themselves used services for people with complex needs, including ex-prisoners, are keen to ‘give something back’ or to create a new identity for themselves through employment.
More in our response to the Work, Health and Disability Green Paper.