“I’ve never been one to speak to people with like, people with authority. But now, since working with Revolving Doors, I have been better able to talk people. It’s brought out a me that I didn’t know was there.”

Creating change for people and systems

We believe our work offers something special and unique – in terms of both the personal outcomes for those with lived experience, and the wider impact they have. We offer individuals a chance to feel valued, often for the first time. They are able to use profoundly difficult life experiences to achieve something positive for themselves and others.


“It’s lifted my confidence no end. It’s turned my life around. Not only were we damaged by the system, we were written off it and could never have proper jobs. Look how far we have come and what we’re doing now.”

Lived Experience Group member

What we do with your money

Your support will enable more people with lived experience of the criminal justice system to help themselves and others. It will give them the opportunity to change the system and stop the cycle of crisis and crime. 

Other ways to give

Leave a gift in your will

By leaving a gift in your will, you can safeguard the future of Revolving Doors. Your gift will make sure our work continues to challenge and change the criminal justice system in the long term.

Fund our work

Our partnerships with grant funders are central to our work. Please get in touch with us if you would like to find out how you or your organisation could help.

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Keep in touch and find out about the work we are doing by following us on social media and helping us reach more people.