
David Williams to Chair Revolving Doors Agency from January 2017

Revolving Doors

Trustees and staff are delighted to announce that David Williams is to Chair Revolving Doors Agency from January 2017. David brings a wealth of senior experience across health and justice systems, particularly in primary care, public health and offender health. David is currently the Local Director for NHS England across Coventry and Warwickshire.
David is a current Revolving Doors Board member and will take the reins from Gary Lashko, who has served as Chair for nine years with skill and commitment. Most recently, Gary has successfully governed the charity as it appointed Christina Marriott to the role of Chief Executive 18 months ago, and has gone on to consolidate a sustained and balanced budget, and make real progress towards its vision to end the revolving door of crisis and crime.
This transition comes at an important moment for Revolving Doors as the charity achieved a growth in income in 2015-16, a budget surplus and for the first time secured more than 50% of its income through social enterprise work. These important Trustee changes reflect the Board’s priority to forge ahead with new ambitious goals while maintaining continuity in leadership.
At the same time, the Board has appointed a Vice Chair Jenny McKibben. Jenny started her career as a social researcher and lecturer, and subsequently moved into public sector leadership. Most recently Jenny served as the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk. She brings particular expertise in policing, public health and improving outcomes for vulnerable groups.
There will be a 3-month handover process with both current Chair and Chair-Elect from start November 2016 to end of January 2017 to ensure a smooth transition.

David Williams said:

“I’m delighted to be taking on the role of Chair of Revolving Doors. Gary has done a very good job over the last 9 years. I hope that Jenny and I will build on his legacy. Over the coming years we have an excellent opportunity to build on our existing and develop new relationships between commissioners across different systems and services that regularly come into contact with The Revolving Door group. Long term, sustainable, successful engagement between voluntary and community organisations and the public sector is very important and I look forward to supporting Revolving Doors develop this further.”

Gary Lashko said:

“I’m incredibly proud of the journey that Revolving Doors has been on in the last nine years and have enjoyed working with outstanding staff and trustees over this time. We are stronger, more relevant, more intelligent, and more effective than ever. For me, what makes Revolving Doors the go-to place for practical policy, advice, and evaluation is how we harnessed the insights and energies of servicer users to improve the quality and pertinence of our contribution. During the last decade we have seen the issue of the ‘revolving door’ become part of the national debate, and we are proud to have led that change. Revolving Doors is in a strong position and I am confident that the service users, trustee and staff team will maintain and build on this progress.”




David Williams

David brings a wealth of experience across health and justice systems. He is a Local Director for NHS England, ensuring that the health and care systems in his area are delivering for patients. David has held lead responsibility for commissioning Primary Care, Public Health and Offender Health services across the West Midlands. Prior to this David has worked in the Department of Health, supporting improvements in Health and justice across England and for Her Majesty’s Prison Service, where David worked on developing and improving the initial training programme for Prison Officers. In the early part of David’s career he spent 7 years working for the RSPCA developing their education services across England and Wales.

Jenny McKibben

Jenny has extensive experience within criminal justice and community engagement. A former Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk she is experienced in commissioning services and developing partnerships to tackle reoffending and improve support for vulnerable people. Previously an Associate for the National Police Improvement Agency and Independent Member of Norfolk Police Authority where she led on performance monitoring and community engagement, Jenny is now a consultant for Denise Nathan Consultancy. Jenny has held many voluntary roles including being a member of grants committees for Big Lottery Fund, Norfolk Community Foundation and Asthma UK.