Action areas

Our policy, research and communications work focuses on the areas of the criminal justice system that can drive or break the revolving door of crisis and crime.

Policing & diversion
For those in the revolving door, contact with the police will be one of their first experiences of the criminal justice system. That encounter will determine whether they are drawn into the system, or diverted towards support to break the cycle of crisis and crime.

Courts, tribunals & sentencing
People who are caught in the revolving door of crisis and crime need equitable access to justice that supports fair and effective sentencing. The court system needs to recognise and respond to the multiple needs of people in the revolving door. And it needs to do this in a way that is both accessible and compassionate.

The Probation Service plays an important role, supporting people in breaking the cycle of crisis and crime. We know that a good probation worker, with a manageable caseload and an understanding of a person’s wider needs is key to successfully reducing reoffending.

Multiple disadvantage
People caught in the revolving door of crisis and crime often experience multiple disadvantage. This can include poverty, homelessness, contact with the criminal justice system, mental ill health, trauma, and substance misuse.