“A positive next step” Revolving Doors responds to Employment Councils plan
The Ministry of Justice has announced the launch of Employment Councils to lower reoffending by supporting people away from offending and into work.
Revolving Doors Chief Executive Pavan Dhaliwal said:
“Providing good-quality work and training opportunities for those serving sentences in the community is key to reducing reoffending and supporting people out of the revolving door.
For people trapped in cycles of crisis and crime the first step must be access to support to tackle root causes such as substance misuse and mental health services. Once these needs have been met, paid and stable work can be a positive next step: our members tell us how getting a job has enabled them to develop stability, skills and sense of purpose and inclusion in society, helping them build sustainable futures with economic and social benefits for all.”
Notes to the editor
Revolving Doors is a national charity working to break the cycle of crisis and crime. We advocate for a system that addresses the drivers of contact with the criminal justice system, including trauma, poverty and discrimination. We bring independent research, policy expertise and lived experience together to champion long-term solutions for justice reform.
For more information or to arrange an interview, please email charlotte.sellers@revolving-doors.org.uk or call 07483 091 774. For out of hours queries, please contact CEO Pavan Dhaliwal on 07738 435 059.