Carol Hedderman
Carol Hedderman is a researcher by training and inclination. Her working life was spent both inside government and in academia as a criminologist trying to ensure that government policy was informed by research in all its forms. She is particularly interested in understanding sentencers’ decision making, especially in relation to women; the use and enforcement of community sentences; and the role of the voluntary sector in making involvement in the criminal justice system less harmful. She finally left government service as Assistant Director of the Home Office Research and Statistics Directorate with particular responsibility for all research and statistics on prison and probation. During her academic career she served on the Parole Board and acted as advisor to the Organization of American States as well as a number of UK based-charities. She retired from academic life as Professor of Criminology at the University of Leicester. Her involvement in Revolving Doors stems from a belief that for the criminal justice system to have any social value it must be informed by the views and experiences of those caught up in it.