Imogen Parker


Imogen Parker is Associate Director Public and Social Policy at the Ada Lovelace Institute. She led the scoping and development of the Institute in partnership of the Nuffield Foundation, the Alan Turing Institute, the British Academy, Luminate, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, the Royal Society, the Royal Statistical Society, techUK and Wellcome. She is also a Policy Fellow at Cambridge University’s Centre for Science and Policy and has first-class degrees from both the University of Oxford (BA MAOxon) and the London Consortium (MRes).

She has a decade and a half of experience working on the intersections of social justice, policy research and technology. She worked with Baroness Kidron to create 5Rights, the children’s digital rights charity. Other roles include Head of the Nuffield Foundation’s programmes on Justice, Rights and Digital Society, acting Head of Policy Research for Citizens and Democracy at Citizens Advice head office, and Research Fellow at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR).

She is passionate about lived experience, amplifying public voice and convening diverse voices to influence policy, and is proud to serve as a trustee of Revolving Doors, an organisation that works with service users ensure those with multiple problems and poor mental health are supported to reach their full potential, stopping the revolving door of crisis and crime.